Benjamín Šramo
Benjamin grew up in a Christian, Baptist family, but God first touched him at camp when he was 11 years old. He learned firsthand that God is real and wants to work in and through him. God led people to remind him of his value in Christ at the right time, to give him the courage to dream and to show him the direction. It was a gradual process as his heart and life direction took shape.
Benjamín is a graduate of the international study of geoinformatics, nevertheless, he let go of his career plans. He sees God's call to the young generation that has not yet found that Hope for their lives. He wants to develop an evangelistic camp ministry in Slovakia - KECY. Benjamín currently leads the youth ministry in the Baptist church in Ružomberok.

Contact us
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010 01 Žilina
Tel.: +421 911 723 453
Email: tckompas@tckompas.sk
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