Daniel & Denisa Harčar
Daniel accepted Christ as his Savior when he was 16 years old. After a year he started to serve in his local church, the Lutheran Church in Prešov, as a member of the youth group team. Then later he said yes to God’s calling to become a leader of both the high school youth group and the outreach ministry KECY (English camps). In 2013, he passed the leadership role of the local youth group to the next generation. After moving to Obišovce, he began to lead the youth group at the Lutheran Church there. In 2020, he passed the leadership of that ministry to younger leaders. Besides leading camps, he really enjoys playing soccer and spending purposeful time with his friends. In TCKompas Daniel serves as the coordinator of the KECY ministry.
Four years after giving her life to Jesus, Denisa started to lead smallgroup where were her younger sister and her schoolmates. When she was 18, she started a youth ministry in her home church in Obišovce. When starting this ministry she was equipped and strengthened by the School of leaders - a project of Training Center Kompas, of which she became the director in 2013. Denisa is on maternity leave with their daughter, Luna, who was born in November 2021.
Daniel and Denisa met at a youth group camp with the Lutheran Church in Prešov. They were married in the fall of 2012 and together have a heart for making disciples who make disciples. At the moment they live in Drienovská Nová Ves.

Contact us
Tréningové centrum Kompas
Vojtecha Spanyola 1736/37
010 01 Žilina
Tel.: +421 911 723 453
Email: tckompas@tckompas.sk
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