School of leaders (ŠPM)
For the past 20 years our main goal has been one thing - to create projects and programs that help to equip the next generation of Christ followers in the church.
School of leaders seeks to provide a year - long informal education for Slovak youth leaders where they focus on subjects like Character of a Youth Worker, Systematic Theology, Biblical Studies, Christ’s Strategy for Ministry, Practical Skills in Youth Ministry and Walking with God. Each student also has a mentor (member of TCK) that guides him/her throughout the whole year and encourages him/her in their local ministry. Students also have the opportunity to learn from ,,special” weekends - mission trip during the fall, and volunteering experience at Youth worker convention during the spring.

Contact us
Tréningové centrum Kompas
Vojtecha Spanyola 1736/37
010 01 Žilina
Tel.: +421 911 723 453
Email: tckompas@tckompas.sk
Banking details
Bank: Tatra banka, a.s.
IBAN: SK62 1100 0000 0026 9936 0008
Bank: Fio banka, a.s.
IBAN: SK24 8330 0000 0020 0015 0040
REG-NO: 31781268
TAX ID: 2020991170
VAT ID: SK2020991170
How to support us?
If you would like to partner with us, we would ask that you prayerfully consider giving to one of our workers or projects. Thank you.
worldwide donations:

SEPA countries donations (EURO):