Ivana & Jozi Pollák
God was making Himself known to Ivana since her childhood through a Bible for children, Sunday school, and religion classes. While in high school, she started realizing clearly how much God did for her and what it cost Him, which created a desire in her heart to follow and serve Him.
She has served in her local church in youth ministry and small groups, at the Slovak Conference for Youth Leaders (KPM), at English KECY camps, and at EDGE sports camps. After 7 years of teaching at a high school in Tisovec, Ivana was called to a full-time ministry and joined the Josiah Venture Slovakia team in 2019. She coordinated KPM and continued serving in the youth ministry of the local church in Bardejov were Jozef and she belong.
Currently she takes care of their little son, Eliáš, and serves mainly in pointonline.sk which provides resources, materials and inspiration for the ministry of youth leaders in Slovakia.

Contact us
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Vojtecha Spanyola 1736/37
010 01 Žilina
Tel.: +421 911 723 453
Email: tckompas@tckompas.sk
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Bank: Tatra banka, a.s.
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IBAN: SK24 8330 0000 0020 0015 0040
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