Michal & Katarína Pončák
Katarina and Michal got to know each other at a JV English summer camp in 2013, where both of them served together. Their stories are quite similar. They are both a "fruit" of JV outreach projects.
Katarina's life changed at the age of 16 when she participated in one of the TCK summer camps, after which she started attending a small group, where she could hear more about Jesus and get to know Him better. Michal started attending a local youth group and attended a summer camp for the first time when he was 18. It was after these events that he started following Christ.
Both of them started regularly attending youth groups in their local church in Prešov and through the School and Conference for youth leaders they both got excited for God's mission - to make disciples who make disciples.
In the summer of 2021 they returned from the USA where Katarina studied Marriage and Family Therapy. She is currently part of the Conference for youth leaders team and she has a big passion for healthy marriages, for which she also individually provides mentoring. Michal works in the TCK Communications team as a photographer and videographer, and he also takes care of the technical part of TCK podcasts. Both of them also serve on the young adults team in their youth group in their local church in Prešov.

Contact us
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010 01 Žilina
Tel.: +421 911 723 453
Email: tckompas@tckompas.sk
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