
Our projects are implemented in cooperation

between Training Center Kompas and local churches, others youth organizations, schools or government.


KPM, the annual youth leader’s conference in Slovakia, has over 30 years of history. Our vision is to inspire and help youth leaders, small group leaders, and youth pastors in all evangelical churches throughout the country.

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The School for youth leader's purpose is to teach students during a school year in areas of Systematic Theology, Christ’s Strategy for Ministry, How to Study and Teach the Bible, Practical Skills in Youth Ministry, Worship, and Character of a Youth Worker.

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Exit Tour is a unique project. It connects local churches, fellowships, schools, city leaders, lecturers, a music band, and volunteers, who work together to help protect this young generation against unhealthy influences in their lives, and also to share the Gospel with young people wherever they are.

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Fusion is an evangelistic tool that helps local churches reach out to unchurched teenagers through a network of youth rock-pop-gospel choirs and performing-arts groups, which are based-in and run-by local churches.

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Edge is evangelistic in nature and helps the local church reach out to unbelievers in their home town using the platform of sports. We want to see more people come to know Christ as their personal Savior and live a life of freedom in Him in the area of sports.

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KECY is an outreach ministry. It is not only an international conversation camp, but also a year-round ministry for local churches. It is a platform for training youth groups how to do relevant evangelism, discipleship, leading of small groups, and mentoring.

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Image is a website for youth leaders full of materials and inspiration for the ministry in Slovak language. They can find Bible studies, worship materials, games, as well as articles on discipleship, team work, leadership and personal growth. In addition to the website, we also have a podcast POINT online.

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We will pilot our first “University Treehouse” to help, train and inspire, four university students to intentionally grow in their journey with Christ while living in the home of mature Christ followers, partnered with a local church, all with the goal of becoming deeply rooted fruitful disciple-makers.

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Contact us

Tréningové centrum Kompas
Vojtecha Spanyola 1736/37
010 01 Žilina

Tel.: +421 911 723 453

Banking details

Bank: Tatra banka, a.s.
IBAN: SK62 1100 0000 0026 9936 0008

Bank: Fio banka, a.s.
IBAN: SK24 8330 0000 0020 0015 0040

REG-NO: 31781268
TAX ID: 2020991170
VAT ID: SK2020991170

How to support us?

If you would like to partner with us, we would ask that you prayerfully consider giving to one of our workers or projects. Thank you.

worldwide donations:


SEPA countries donations (EURO):


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